Carrot Red Cabbage Juice Recipe


  • 8 Large Fresh Peeled Orange Carrots
  • 1/2 Head Of Shredded Red Cabbage


  • Serving Size 1
  • 95 Calories Per Serving
  • 2 Grams of Fat

Preparation instruction

To begin the juice extraction process first you will need to wash and rinse your produce. Next peel your carrots and then shred up your red cabbage.
I should mention that peeling your carrots is the key to sweeter and creamier juice.
Once your produce is ready to roll you can juice it using an electric juicer, either a centrifugal or masticating driven machine will work.
Aim to extract one liter of juice, so you might need to juice more carrots than the called for amount, it depends on how moist and ripe the produce is.
Once your juice is finished being extracted go ahead and stir it up really well as this will even out the flavor. Drink this juice straight at room temperature and without ice.
If you decide to store the juice then refrigerate it within a tightly sealed juice jar, shaking it each time that you drink from it.